
7 posts · 0 views

Exclusion Tabs

I’ve seen many creative ways to highlight the active tab from the rest. A different background colour, a dot indicator, or a bottom bar. I wondered what it would be like to literally exclude/separate the active tab from the others.


I love interactions that repurpose the existing space to present different views or states. It is oddly satisfying to watch a new state come into play from an existing state and space. This interaction was an attempt at realizing the idea. The fundamental vision was to utilize the album space to present the selected photograph.


Relative Select

A select element that keeps the options relative to the currently selected item and tries to imitate mitosis.



An attempt at reverse engineering the UI and improvising an animation from a post by Sepide Moqadasi on Twitter.


A post by Aryana Shakibaei piqued my curiosity. What does it take to make a 2D element lifelike? I decided to reverse-engineer his design to understand the intricacies. I also added an animation to make it come alive.

Aryana's work is outstanding. There are so many small details that bring it all together. Unlike the original post, this doesn't have the noise texture.


Family is a crypto wallet for iOS. I love their fluid, delightful interactions and philosophy. Their work is a masterclass on creating interactions that elevate the experience without being annoying or overwhelming.

These are my attempts to understand their work and replicate their interactions.

Fluid Button

Family's fluidity serves more purpose than delight. The philosophy helps establish a sense of flow and direction, and communicate what's happening.

Inline Text Transformation

Family uses inline text transformations to indicate changes and draw attention to the action. The prototype animates the difference between the two words to highlight the transition. In the app, this transformation is used between two button states, say, "Continue" and "Confirm".


Thanks to Jace for the Family assets.